Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Joe swimming in Mallard Lake at Tanglewood Park 8/28/12

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A Great Blue Heron fishing from one of the pedal boats. These look like the ones I used to ride in  o'so many years ago.
 Poor ole' Joe's hips have been causing him a lot of pain lately. He just wasn't wanting to go for his evening walk this evening. Every night for the past little bit he has had to have pain pills to cope with his hips. I decided if Joe didn't get to swim ever again he would have his chance tonight. I took him to Mallard Lake at Tanglewood Park and turned him loose. He acted like a puppy! When I got him home he went straight to his bed. In no time at all he was asleep and snoring away. 
Joe is on the floating dock and dry. It didn't take him long to dive in the water.

Joe hunting along the shore with the Great Blue Heron in the background.

Joe retrieving a stick.

Joe bringing the stick to me.

Joe swimming after the stick again.

Joe bringing the stick to me again.

Joe wading around in the water.

Retrieving another stick.

Joe watching some Canadian Geese.

Joe on the floating dock.

Joe decided to roll around in the grass.